Monday, March 26, 2007

Semi-Identical Twins

Somewhere, between identical and fraternal twins lies semi-identical twins.
Identical twins share the same egg and sperm cell. Fraternal twins don't share the same egg or sperm cell but rather are born at the same time. Semi-fraternal twins share the same egg cell but a different sperm cell.

Wow, this is so fascinating. I wonder how many people think they are identical or fraternal twins but might be semi-fraternal twins.

Researcher's recently discovered this.

Semi-Fraternal Twins Discovered

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Healthy Teeth and Gums Means a Healthy You

According to certain studies there is a correlation between oral health and overall health.

Oral health effects the cardiovascular system (including the heart), diabetes and maybe the health of unborn babies. The link has not been well established with the health of unborn babies.

It is interesting how cleaning your teeth can reduce inflammation throughout the body. I have read from credible sources that westerners especially Americans mostly suffer from diseases linked with inflammation. So anything that can be done to decrease it seems worth it to me.

So grab that brush and clean those pearly whites.

Oral Health

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

From Radioacitve Waste to Energy

An Israeli company is using plasma gasification melting technology (PGM) (note: like I know what that means) to turn low-level radioactive waste, garbage into clean-energy and a lava-like glass looking thing (that can be used in construction and roads).

This sounds very nice. The system was created by a joint effort between Russian and Israeli universities. Now think about the potential that exists if people work together not against each other.

Oh yeah, the system is currently working in Israel and it had the first reactor built as a proof of concept. Now they are having one built in Ukraine and are partnering up with an American company.

Garbage-Energy 1

Garbage-Energy 2

Fly instead of Drive?

NASA’s PAV (Personal Air Vehicle) competition is funded with $2,000,000 in cash prizes.

Its goal, simple, to stimulate innovation and progress in PAV's.
Reason, NASA believes that in the not to distant future close to half of all miles traveled in the USA will be in PAV's. How exciting!!!

Imagine that, it sounds great and all. I am all for it. But this will just magnify the statistics in motor vehicle accidents and now no one will be safe from a drunk pilot, not even in the comfort of your own home.

But I think we are some time away from stepping in the family plane parked in the backyard.


Speed Reading, Yeah Right

Several studies were published at the "Journal of Vision" this month that claim speed reading is impossible.

There is a biological limit on the speed of your reading. This limit is largely impacted on your visual span.

The article in brings up the fact that people with eye conditions that restrict the visual span also decreases the reading speed.

It seems like one's visual span and speed of reading is positively correlated. Maybe, if someone had mutation that allowed him or her an increased visual span they would be able to speed read. Just a thought.

Speed Reading

Monday, March 19, 2007

Listen to Mozart, Become a Genius

Not quite, but a scientific experiment showed that musicians brainstem is altered.

It was thought that the brainstem was unchangeable and not involved in complex processes. But, that all changed after an experiment that proved the brain stem actually can become altered and rewired.

These experiment leads to a whole class of questions related to how and why the brainstem is able to change.

I wonder if listening to music with high degree of complexity can improve intelligence by rewiring the cerebral cortex?

I will put on some Mozart now and lets see how long it will take me to become a genius. :)

Musical Brainstem

Friday, March 9, 2007

Contour Crafting

A professor in California has created automated home building.
It works like your regular computer printer but in 3-D and instead of ink is uses cement.
Wow what a great idea!!

The website claims a 2,000 sq ft home can be built in a 24 hr period.
This has many application some of which include building homes for emergency, low-income, commercial housing and building habitats on other planets.

To read more about this go to Contour Crafting

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Cool Gadgets

Ever wanted a cold beer, but didn't want to get out of your couch to get it?
Well here is the fridge that launches you a beer, remote controlled of course.
A recent graduate from duke missed his college days and told his friends he was going to build a fridge that would launch him a beer.

If you like that idea go to this site.
It has nice pics of it:
beer launcher

his video


For those of you interested in wildlife.
There is an eagle cam capturing images of a female eagle in its nest.
The eagle is in Maine, USA, battling cold weather and has laid eggs.

eagle cam


I just read an interesting article on time travel.
It seems that most scientists think it is impossible to travel back in time. A minority believe it is theoretically possible but impractical.
But, traveling to the future is theoretically possible but you probably won't be able to come back.

But, this brings me to a point not about physics but about people.
When looking at my life there are many things that I would like to change.
If it was possible to go back in time and tell myself in the past what not to do and do, I would.
But that is not at all possible.
I have for the past few months tried to make everything count in my life. So that I won't look back and wish to go back in time.

Time machines are a part of our fantasy. Some dream about it and would use it to fix something in the past. So, my philosophy is living life to the fullest so that there won't be a need to fantasize about a time machine.

Many people would also fantasize about using a time machine to change the course of history. Like killing Hitler or stopping him from achieving power.
That is a noble cause, so my answer would be instead of wishing to change the past, lets change the present for the good. So that your children wouldn't want a time machine to fix something that happened in our time. :)

Article mentioned :
time travel

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Just started...... :)

Hi everyone,

This is my blog. I am a New Yorker,who resides in Brooklyn.
My friends tell me I know so much useless info. So, I have decided to create a blog with interesting useless and sometimes not so useless information.

The reason I named it EurekaZone was because Eureka was taken. :)
I always have ideas about stuff from A..Z and this blog will be a collection of my personal discoveries that are less than Eureka, to the rest of the world.

Wish me luck :)